Derek Sante


About me, my market, and what I love most about my work:
I’ve interviewed presidents, royalty and reality show stars, so a lot of wiggle room on the resume. I will continue to be a film and television critic until I’m bested in combat by someone stronger! I also enjoy covering festivals, red carpets and comic-cons. Currently broadcasting on multiple TV stations and posting online to sites and social media. Based out of Las Vegas, but in and out of LA on the regular. 

Known for: 

Publicity: “Thank you for coming to our Sundance chalet party, the stars of the films and the directors are over there.”

Me: “Hey that’s great! Where’s this brunch buffet you mentioned…!?” 

This is my passion project, or passion in general:
My current passion is my show called Coloring with the Cast, where I have film and television casts join me for an extended interview while we color images made from their productions. Some fun times using crayons include casts from The Boys, Cobra Kai among many others!

What it means to me to be part of CCA:
Critics Choice has helped me move forward in many regards, next with spotlighting experience and opportunities out there for current members. As for the events, CCA is a great opportunity to meet and converse with fellow critics. I look forward to meeting new and old friends at the award shows.

My Favorite film/TV series that I am currently watching and why:
I’m excited for everyone to watch The Flash so we can talk about it. As for a series, I’m totally hooked on High Desert on Apple TV+.

My social media and where you can find my work:
Twitter – @dereksante 
Insta – @reviewnation

